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Series Documents

Our Series Documents offer art history and appreciation  through twenty-six different types of art that you may want to display in your home or business. For example, our Winslow Homer Series provides a variety of images by this American icon including The Fox Hunt. Our Regionalist Series provides examples of images created by artists like Thomas Hart Benton with his painting, Trail Riders and

George Caleb Bingham’s Fur Traders Descending the Missouri.


    We appreciate that all of this information may be a little overwhelming at first, but you will understand the Series Documents better as you become more familiar with the way we have organized all of our resources for you. For a better understanding of our resources, you are encouraged to read our bi-monthly Newsletters, specifically 2021 Newsletter #21-2.


    You are always welcome in the gallery where we have many examples of fine art and sculpture on display for your consideration. Our Art Advisor and I are available to assist you on your journey into the world of fine art.

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